First paperback edition, 1987

Edited by George R. R. Martin, Wild Cards is an anthology series of novels, written by a number of different authors, with over 30 volumes at this point, with contributing authors such as Roger Zelazny, Melinda Snodgrass, Lewis Shiner, Walton Simons, Chris Claremont, John J. Miller, Victor Milan, and more. With names like these attached, it seems strange to me that so few people have heard of it.

The premise is simple: In 1946, just after the close of World War II, an alien race from the planet Takis decides to test a viral weapon on the population of Earth, because humans are nearly genetically identical to them. The weapon falls into the hands of a human, who uses it to hold New York for ransom. A high-flying teenage hero of the war called Jetboy tries to foil the plot, but the virus gets released over the city. The Wild Card virus has severe effects. 90% of the people affected by it die horribly, which is known as “drawing the black queen,” 9% survive but are deformed and called Jokers, and the lucky 1% gain super powers and are known as Aces. The effects that this virus and these people have on the world is what the series is all about. The setting of the books spans decades. It begins just after World War II, and runs until present day. There are stories that take place during the Korean conflict, the McCarthy era, Viet Nam, Watergate, and pretty much every interesting time, providing a parallel history to our own. One of my favorite parts of it is that the Dodgers still play baseball in Brooklyn.

The characters in Wild Cards, even the ones with powers, shy away from the tight costumes and flashy code-names from comic books. Well, they stay away from the costumes anyway. One of my favorites is The Great and Powerful Turtle, who is a shy man with telekinetic powers who builds armored shells out of junk cars for protection. The Sleeper starts out as a poor kid in junior high who changes powers and appearances every time he goes to sleep. He soon becomes addicted to stimulants trying to forgo his transformations; some of them are not very pleasant. Captain Trips is a counter-cultured biochemist who gets his powers from various powders that he creates. His “friends,” as he calls them, are different personalities that he becomes when he takes them. They are all named and themed after 60s songs.

Senator Gregg Hartman has a persona named Puppetman who controls people after physical contact and uses these puppets for political gain. His politician’s signature handshake, is often the catalyst for his control.

Deadhead eats people’s brains and gains their memories. I actually created a villain called Abattoir back in the early 90s who gained powers by eating the hearts of his victims, much to my friends’ collective chagrin, and I fully admit that I got the idea from Deadhead.

Demise is a contract killer who survived drawing the Black Queen and shares his death psychically with others. But his real gift is his regenerative ability, but it’s portrayed a bit more realistically than Wolverine’s. Demise ran into problems a few times during the series when his bones are not set correctly and they heal in the wrong position, requiring them to be painfully re-broken.

There are any number of telepathic characters in Wild Cards, not the least of which is Dr. Tachyon, the sympathetic Takisian dedicated to helping those afflicted with the Wild Card virus. Well, he’s dedicated when he’s not drunk or deported; or both. He feels guilt over failing to persuade the American government to take the virus weapon seriously as he tried to prevent its use.

You can find an index to virtually all the Wild Cards characters at this site. There are spoilers within, so beware.

The book series has its own origin story, as the setting and some of the characters came from George R. R. Martin’s own Superworld RPG campaign, with some of the original authors as players. Most of the actual player characters did not survive intact to appear in the series, but the concepts behind many of them did. Since the series’ publication, it has been translated twice into different roleplaying games, starting with GURPS in 1989, and then Mutants & Masterminds in 2008. Coincidentally, I first heard of it in 1987 when I was running a DC Heroes campaign, and I asked the players to come up with original heroes. One of the players “created” The Great and Powerful Turtle, of whom I’d never heard. When I found out about his trick, I asked him to make another, but having been intrigued by his source, I bought and read the first two Wild Cards books. When he came back with Modular Man, a character from the second novel (which he not-so-cleverly thought I hadn’t read), I invited him to leave the group. But on the plus side, I was hooked on Wild Cards!

It’s also been a comic book published by both Marvel and Dynamite, and it’s currently back with Marvel again. I still have a page of original art from the first Marvel series.

Wild Cards, it seems, has been optioned for film or television more times than I can count. I always get my hopes up, and then nothing comes of it. One would think with that much source material to draw from and the popularity of Martin’s Game of Thrones, it would be a no-brainer for HBO. It’s currently with Peacock, as of 2021, but I’m not holding my breath.

On a funny side note, I have a signed copy of the first Wild Cards novel from George R. R. Martin himself. Back in the early days of AOL, you could just write to him, send him $20, and he’d send you a signed copy. I don’t think you can do that anymore.